Tuesday, October 30, 2012

After the Storm

Everyone seems to be well, a few a bit bedraggled but doing well.  Thank the gods and landvaettir!

I spent a couple hours working on the meat bird pen and settling everyone.  The muscovies are still in with the hens until I can do more work on their pen and coop...most likely tomorrow after work since I am still fighting being sick...scratchy throat and all.

I got more of the 2nd layer of fencing up on the meat bird pen but ran out of the fencing so I put the two turkeys in and will put the goose back in later but the ducks will have to wait.  I have to wait until my next paycheck so sometime next week I should be able to get all the meat birds settled in one pen and that willl make it better for everyone...more room for the other birds and then I can get everyone set for the winter.

The two boys back in their pen enjoying some grain.

In the meantime...everyone is getting along and were happy muching away.

Lancelot (he is handsome and knows it!)with Cynric (he is an almost all white Muscovy)

Lancelot with some of the girls...the one in the back is Sabrina (the Momma of all the ducks I have now except the black and white ones)

Hens and Henry enjoying some grain and a bowl of oatmeal in whey...definitely need to demud everything but they are mostly good and dry and safe.
A little wet but runnin around like happy featherheads.  Arthur and Merlin are fast friends now.

Everyone munching together, still need to put the
trash cans and tarps back where they belong.

Mr. Buff (since he is staying I should give him a permanent name) and Big Tom enjoying the "fruits" of my labors yesterday, all the apple and tomato peels.

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